• Are You Considering Using Anxiety Counselling Services?

    How are you feeling? Everyone gets feelings of nervousness, worry and even fear from time to time. These feelings can be caused by a wide range of factors. Perhaps you are starting a new job, taking a test or even facing a physical threat. These feelings are normal, but when they are particularly strong or last for an unusually long time, you might be suffering from anxiety. Anxiety incorporates both physical and emotional sensations, and people can be affected by it in different ways.
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  • Specifications to Look for When Purchasing Your First Hearing Aids

    Once you have lost a degree of your hearing, you could be a candidate for assistive devices to help with the improvement of your hearing. Thus, if an audiologist has prescribed hearing aids for you, you may be stumped as to which ones to buy. While traditional hearing aids were functional for enhancing one's hearing, new technology has brought about advanced devices that come with an array of features to make the hearing aids as convenient to use as possible.
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  • Have you broken something in your foot?

    The human foot consists of 26 small bones—one quarter of the bones in the human body. If you experience severe foot pain you might be wondering if you have broken one of these small bones. Here is how to tell if it's a broken bone or a soft issue injury. Was there a distinct injury? The majority of heel injuries occur from jumping from a height, and mid-foot injuries and toe injuries often occur after a kick or a fall.
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  • Two Commonly Asked Questions About Eye Cataracts

    Cataracts are perhaps the most common cause of poor vision and even loss of vision among the older generation of people. Eye cataracts develop as a result of protein build-up around the lens of your eye. These causes clouding of the lens which eventually results in poor vision and even total loss of vision in severe situations. This article provides answers to some of the most commonly asked questions about eye cataracts and eye cataract surgery.
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  • Love And Funerals: Burial Issues For The Twice Married

    The last subject you want to discuss when considering a second marriage is your funeral. However, failure to do so can result in a funeral director, or even a judge, mediating between your family members about your final resting place. Plans that were made decades earlier, before your second marriage and subsequent children, become a major complication. It is therefore vital that your make your burial wishes known to your new spouse and family members.
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